Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Days 41 to 43 - Where did Kate go???

Well, the start of the semester came upon me fast. And, I had plenty of prep and meetings that kept me away from bookmaking. So, this puts me well past the 50 day mark... I missed it by about 8 books... I created two books on the 51st day, intending to crank out another 8. But, making 10 books - even models - is a huge task that my prep/meeting-drained brain wasn't up for. However, I did crank out two models for structures that were new to me. And one is totally of my own invention - a mock-up for a book I want to make soon - er, that is once I get through the 50 books.

And, today I was back at it, and cranked out book 43. I will make it to 50 by this coming Sunday!

Pictures will be posted soon, but here's the skinny on the last three:

Book 41: drop spine box
{paper} remnant matte board
{binding} tape, baby!

I case you couldn't tell I made this model entirely out of matte board and tape. It's crude, but I learned a lot in terms of the tolerances needed to get the structure to close properly. Whew!

Book 42: Locke's Box model

{paper} remnant matte board, etc.
{binding} thread, tape

This structure really pushes the boundaries. It's all based on the Cartesian idea that location is determined in relation to a fixed position. The interior box will be made of wood, with thread/string lacing its way around the structure to create a visible grid. On that grid will hang type/content, which will be quotes from Descartes and my notes/copy. The interior of the box opens flat, and will contain an abstract chess board overlaid with images of antique surveying equipment. This book will be the first in a series about theoretical constructions of space - starting with Cartesian space...

Book 43: accordion with added pages

{paper} remnant silk screens
{binding} pamphlet stitch/folding

Another fantastic structure from the great Lisa Beth!